Many roads in Atlanta experience hit-and-run accidents almost daily. When they occur, they’re usually distressing and ruthless. They create numerous issues afterward, especially when the at-fault party cannot be located. The outcome of this is being left pleading with insurers for just a lowball settlement.
That is why you need to contact a knowledgeable Atlanta lawyer for hit-and-run accidents right away. An experienced personal injury lawyer can do numerous things for you to ensure you’re on the right path to recovery and just compensation.
Collect Supporting Evidence
To prove that you incurred injuries in a hit-and-run incident, you’ll need enough evidence. On top of that, you’ll require evidence to show your injuries’ extent. What you consider valuable evidence mightn’t be acceptable to an insurance representative or a court.
A knowledgeable lawyer will know how to collect evidence that supports the facts of your case and claims. This includes evidence that indicates how serious your injuries are. Are they permanent? And how can they affect your life? An attorney will know how to help you.
Prove Liability if the At-Fault Party is Known
If you’re lucky, the motorist who caused the hit-and-run incident may be caught. This individual usually faces some unique criminal charges. You’ll still need to prove liability even if the individual is convicted criminally. To prove liability, you require good knowledge of the hit-and-run law in Atlanta.
An excellent lawyer will help you establish all the legal requirements to prove that the driver was liable for the hit-and-run incident. This is crucial since both insurance firms and courts need to see liability before compensation is paid.
Seek Compensation for All Damages, including Punitive
After a hit-and-run incident, you’re likely dealing with various things that could be considered damages under local and state law. If you don’t have enough legal training and experience, you’ll not know how to calculate your damages.
A lawyer can easily and accurately quantify your damages to get a solid monetary figure that’ll compensate you justly for what you have been through.
An experienced lawyer will ensure that you’re fully compensated for medical bills, future treatments, and other medical devices and services you receive. Also, you could receive compensation for pain and suffering as well as lost income.
Take Your Case to Trial
If other parties, including insurance firms, are involved, hit-and-run cases become very messy and complex. That means a settlement mightn’t be possible. If this is the case, you only have one option – take the case to trial.
An attorney with litigation experience will be of great importance. Partner with a lawyer who has been helping hit-and-run victims in Atlanta receive just compensation for the past decade or so.