Facebook, Instagram, and Google are building blocks of online advertising. Using them is often enough to ensure your marketing campaign achieves its central aims. However, other equally effective resources exist, such as Quora. The last can give your brand a new lease of life, and here is why.
What is Quora in the first place?
Quora is a unique website focusing on the question-answer format. It was launched over ten years ago and became among the most used web pages in the question-and-answer category. Throughout the years, Quora has advanced to the extent it has introduced advertising services for various people and businesses. Why do people use Quora, you may ask?
Online buyers are now prudent before purchasing products; they carry out research trying to learn as much information about a particular item or service and the market as a whole as possible. And that’s when Quora comes into play. It provides verified answers that help brand owners better understand customers and adjust their products to a target audience.
Features of Quora
Quora is a unique platform that has dozens of features. The following are a few elements that make Quora stand out:
Simple interface: The website isn’t impressive from a design standpoint. Compared to Facebook and Instagram, where marketers need to utilize additional design tools like VistaCreate to make ad campaigns eye-popping, Quora mainly relies on high-quality text-based content.
User retention: Quora has shown an impressive customer retention rate since its emergence. Quora users are well-educated and habitually visit the page, which is an apparent feature, especially compared to different resources and advertising options.
High search engine ranking: Quora usually holds a firm place in search engines simply because there is no better alternative to the resource. People are likely to see Quora on the results list when asking questions.
Affordable services: Quora advertising may not be cheap if you are a simple user – ad pricing starts from $5. However, it’s much more affordable when you are a brand owner and operate in a B2B format.
Good coverage: High user intent, prevalence on Google, and simple design make Quora an overarching page visited by multiple people daily. The Q&A format allows for better engagement and, as a result, higher coverage.
Several possible campaign objectives
Quora’s advertising objectives are sufficient. You can use Quora to drive traffic, generate leads, encourage people to install an app, and raise your brand recognition. This variety makes Quora among the best platforms for newcomers and freshly-baked business owners that only need two things, several lines of text and a landing page.
Different targeting types
The number of targeting options makes Quora a versatile platform for advertising. As an entrepreneur, there is nothing better than picking options that might be the best for accomplishing your primary goals. Prefer to roll out a visual campaign? You can choose an image ad type. A traditional text ad? Here you go, Quora offers that! Can you provide a thought-provoking answer? No problem at all, as Quora allows that, too!
Moreover, your ads can appear in the widely appreciated Quora Digest e-newsletter. The latter is used by numerous people and can increase your chances of boosting your brand. Don’t forget to turn on this feature in Settings by clicking Email and Notifications and adjusting Digest settings to preferences.
Overall, Quora has ten advertising targeting types, so you will always find something relevant to promote your business. Importantly, try to apply several techniques to make your ad campaign efficient and successful (tip: utilizing topic, question, audience, and interest targeting is a common yet practical way to reach more people).
Assume you plan to launch a conversion campaign. In that case, using the Quora Pixel is a no-brainer. Quora Pixel is a supplementary instrument that provides additional tools for certain goals, whether they’re strictly or peripherally related to conversions. Pixel empowers you to use Lookalike Audience Targeting and Website Traffic Targeting. What’s more, it allows you to track conversion acts and optimize bidding. You should install Quora Pixel first to be able to benefit from it. But worry not. You will get instructions on using the tool once you set it up.
What are the costs?
Quora is tantamount to a live auction, where you–a brand owner–are a buyer. The product you want to purchase is a specific audience that will see your ad if you win the auction. While the prices vary depending on bids and thresholds, you can lean toward a risk-averse way of advertising, paying five or six dollars daily.
Quora ads are worth the price and effort if you approach the platform accordingly. There is no place for being overly commercial and trying to sell your product and/or service no matter what. As said earlier, the Quora environment is filled with educated users. They come to the platform to find answers to essential questions, and your job is to provide mind-boggling, valuable, and constructive answers. Can you handle that? If not, it’s best to stick to conventional platforms and generate pushy pitches there. But if yes, Quora can become your number one advertising platform.
Indubitably, it has some downsides, with one being specifically painful if your brand focuses on video ads (videos aren’t possible on Quora). Still, including Quora ads in your marketing agenda can enhance your advertising campaign and build a better brand image in the long run.